Welcome!  I'm Felicity, partner and curator of Say Bloom Boutique.

I had the vision for Say Bloom early during the COVID pandemic, as the stress of owning and operating a long-term care facility had me asking serious questions about how I wanted to live and be in the world.

As an RN of over twenty-five years, running a facility for elders with dementia was truly the honor of a lifetime. Partnering with my mother Marie, and having my two young daughters, Tallulah and Evangeline visiting and helping us care for our residents had a tremendously positive impact.

We all connected with our elder friends through stories and time spent listening, sharing, and holding space. When words weren't available or hearing was a challenge, we used photos, cards, and little treasures from their past to trigger memories and stories which brought the same pure joy every time they were shared. My elder friends may not have always known my name, but I relied on the power of intention to ensure they always knew that I was there to support them.

We don't lose our sensitivity to energy and vibration as our senses decline. It became evident to me that the residents responded strongly to the different energies their caregivers presented. I saw so clearly how elevating my own energy not only enhanced my experience, but was truly essential in changing the experience of the residents for the better. 

With the increased demands of the pandemic, it became clear that I needed to pass the baton of full time care-giving and turn the focus to creating balance for myself and my family. Our facility is in new, capable hands and still serving residents today.

But I still wanted a way to support the higher vibration and intentional living for others, while creating a positive balance for myself. The vision of growing into the best version of ourselves became Say Bloom.

 Inspire. Support. Become. These are the essentials to Say Bloom. It informs the products that we select, and the way we interact with our clients.

You'll find high vibe crystals and gemstone jewelry for everyday enjoyment.

We feature fair trade, sustainable items, including handmade items from small global artisan groups creating opportunity for their communities.

Goods for you. Good for all.

We're really glad you're here.

